Environment, Health & Safety | Natco Pharma


Natco believes that sustainable development, in any environment, has to be a participatory process, with employees and local population, being the biggest stakeholder. We work closely with the local community to keep the air, water and land both safe and healthy.

We take active interest in the well-being of our employees and the local community and continue to make a valuable difference.

Natco plays a proactive role in minimizing pollution across in all the units. Our EHS policy is mentored by an in-house EHS organizational set-up. In our journey towards sustainability, the EHS team sets goals and benchmarks every year and works towards achieving them.

The highlights of NATCO's EHS policy are:

- Comply with applicable legislations, regulations and other applicable requirements.

- Incorporating suitable techniques such as waste management, recovery of raw materials, isolating by-products and distillations of solvents to prevent pollution.

- Conserving raw materials, natural resources such as water, coal & electricity

- Reduce the risks by identifying, assessing and controlling the hazards to prevent ill-health and injury.

- Continually improve EHS performance by setting time bound objectives and targets.

- Promote awareness of EHS requirements among the employee, contractors and visitors.

- Continually improve our environmental, health and safety performance.

- Communicated to all persons in the organization and made aware of their individual Occupational Health and Safety obligations.

Care for the Environment is one of our core corporate values and, as a part of this commitment, we enunciated our Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Policy. Our EHS policy provides for the creation of a safe and healthy workplace and a clean environment for employees and the community. It aims for the highest international standards in plant design, equipment selection, maintenance and operations. The policy is a commitment that we will manufacture products safely and in an environmentally responsible manner.
The implementation of the EHS Policy is ensured by institutionalizing a robust EHS Management System, adequately supported by a well-defined organizational structure.

The highlights of NATCO


We are committed to environmental stewardship across the value chain. Our API manufacturing site is ISO-14001:2015 certified. We keep wastes to the minimum and clean gases and effluents scientifically.

We have stripper for solvent recovery and Electrochemical oxidation process prior to conventional biological treatment for effluents.

We strive to reduce organic & inorganic waste generation in the process at the R&D stage itself. At the plant level we carry-out extensive studies for each product and at pilot plant level to understand the waste generation for treatment and corrective action.



Employees are our biggest asset and their health is of vital importance to us. We follow best practices to maintain our manufacturing plants free of volatile organic compounds, free from dust and odours.

All employees undergo periodic medical checkups by an independent agency and while those exposed to chemicals/dust undergo special tests. A full pledge occupational health centre is managed round-the-clock by a nurse and a full time medical practitioner.



Our API manufacturing site is OHSAS-18001: 2007 certified. The key processes comprise regular safety surveillance, inspections and audits, permit to work system for operational/maintenance safety, fire prevention and protection activities, Monthly reports address EHS initiatives, compliance and various records under statutory requirements, training of employees, interaction with associations of adjacent communities, and observance or celebration of National Safety Day, National Fire Safety Day to promote EHS awareness amongst employees.

We have also implemented behavior based safety (BBS) at our API manufacturing site and have an emergency preparedness and response management plan.
